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Best Cosmetic Surgeon

In many cases, learning the principles and refinements of cosmetic surgery can be more difficult than learning those of reconstructive surgery. There is a natural balance in the philosophy of teaching cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery simultaneously, as the principles and goals of performing both arts are similar. The similarities end quickly, however. In reconstructive plastic surgery, one is restoring a defect to a more normal appearance. In critical analysis, the endpoint is less than ideal because of the challenge of the particular deformity. Appropriately, the expectations of the reconstructive patient and often the surgeon are not as high as in cosmetic surgery. In contrast, cosmetic surgery enhances the normal appearance of the patient who comes to us without substantial physical disfigurement. The expectations of the cosmetic surgery patient are often much greater than those of the reconstructive surgery patient. The surgeon’s expectations are also higher, and there is more pressure to produce consistently excellent results.

  • Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Khatipura Jaipur
  • Cosmetic Surgeon in Khatipura Jaipur
  • Best Cosmetic Doctor in Khatipura Jaipur

For an appointment call us on 01416769329.

Tags:   #Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Khatipura Jaipur,  #Cosmetic Surgeon in Vaishali Nagar Jaipur,  # Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur,  #  Cosmetic Surgery in Jaipur

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