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The purported advantage of HOLEP over a TURP is the lesser amount of bleeding. This is possible because of more efficient control over bleeding by the laser and the technique of enucleation whereby the tissue is cut only once as compared to repeated cuts in a TURP. Since saline is used for irrigation, the likelihood of dangerously low sodium levels which are occasionally seen after TURP is unlikely. At the end of the surgery, a catheter is inserted through the opening of the penis to drain urine from the bladder into a collection bag. Urine is drained this way for a few days allowing the surgical wound to heal undisturbed. In some instances, your bladder may be irrigated (flushed with water) via the catheter to keep it clean. Once irrigation has stopped, you may notice that your urine is a little red. Don’t be alarmed as some bleeding is normal. It should clear up by the time you are discharged from the hospital which is usually 2-3 days after the surgery.

For an appointment call us on 01416769329.

  • HOLEP in Malviya Nagar,
  • Best HOLEP in Jaipur,
  • Best HOLEP Clinic in C Scheme,
  • Best HOLEP in Jhotwara Jaipur,

Tags:   #HOLEP in Malviya Nagar,  # Best HOLEP in Jaipur,  # Best HOLEP Clinic in C Scheme,  # Best HOLEP in Jhotwara Jaipur

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