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Best Urologist

In the time of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, doctors frequently examined urine’s color, odor, and texture. They also looked for bubbles, blood, and other signs of disease. Today, an entire field of medicine focuses on the health of the urinary system. It’s called urology. Urologists diagnose and treat diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women. They also diagnose and treat anything involving the reproductive tract in men. In some cases, they may perform surgery. For example, they may remove cancer or open up a blockage in the urinary tract. Urologists work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, private clinics, and urology centers. The urinary tract is the system that creates, stores, and removes urine from the body. Urologists can treat any part of this system.

FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT US AT +9101416769329, +918094756444.

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