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Best Doctor for Testis Problem

The testicles are placed beneath the penis. They are contained within a pouch of skin known as the scrotum. You should have one testicle to the right and one to the left of your penis. A cord called the spermatic cord connects your testicles to the inside of your body. Nerves and blood vessels are found in each chord. The cords also house the vas deferens, which are the tubes that transport sperm to your penis so that it can exit your body as sperm. The testicles, also known as testes, are the reproductive organs in males and those born male that produce sperm and hormones. They exist outside of your body. If your testicles change in any manner, consult your doctor. A testicle is a portion of the anatomy of men and those born male. In most cases, you'll have two testicles. These organs produce sperm and hormones. Male gonads or testes are other names for your testicles. A testis is a single testicle. Other less formal names for testicles that you may hear or use yourself include "balls," "nuts," and "cojones."

FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT US AT +9101416769329, +918094756444.

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