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Doctor for Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a treatment where a dermatologist or plastic surgeon transplants hair to a bald spot on the head. Typically, the surgeon transfers hair from the top or front of the head to the side or rear of the head. Under local anesthetic, hair transplants often take place in a doctor's office. Most cases of hair loss are caused by pattern baldness. Genetics is what it comes down to. The remaining instances result from a variety of causes. An portion of your head is numbed with local anaesthetic after a surgeon carefully cleans your scalp. FUT and FUE are the two primary methods utilized to extract follicles for transplantation. When doing a follicular unit transplant (FUT): The back of the head will have a strip of scalp skin removed by the surgeon using a scalpel. Usually, the incision is several inches long. After that, stitches are used to close it. The surgeon next cuts the little portions of scalp that were extracted using a sharp surgical knife and a magnifying glass. These pieces, when implanted, will aid in achieving hair growth that looks natural.

FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT US AT +9101416769329 OR +918094756444.

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Tags:   #Doctor for Hair Transplant in C Scheme,  #Doctor for Hair Transplant in Vaishali Nagar Jaipur,  #Doctor for Hair Transplant in Govindpura,  #Doctor for Hair Transplant in Jhotwara

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