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Diet Recommendations for Kidney Stones

Dr. Arjun Singh Shekhawat (Senior Urologist) advise Diet Recommendations for Kidney Stone patient

General Recommendations

  1. Drink plenty of fluid: 2-3 quarts/day
    • This includes any type of fluid such as water, coffee and lemonade which have been shown to have a beneficial effect with the exception of grapefruit juice and soda.
    • This will help produce less concentrated urine and ensure a good urine volume of at least 2.5L/day
  2. Limit foods with high oxalate content
    • Spinach, many berries, chocolate, wheat bran, nuts, beets, tea and rhubarb should be eliminated from your diet intake
  3. Eat enough dietary calcium
    • Three servings of dairy per day will help lower the risk of calcium stone formation. Eat with meals.
  4. Avoid extra calcium supplements
    • Calcium supplements should be individualized by your physician and registered kidney dietitian
  5. Eat a moderate amount of protein
    • High protein intakes will cause the kidneys to excrete more calcium therefore this may cause more stones to form in the kidney
  6. Avoid high salt intake
    • High sodium intake increases calcium in the urine which increases the chances of developing stones
    • Low salt diet is also important to control blood pressure.
  7. Avoid high doses of vitamin C supplements
    • It is recommend to take 60mg/day of vitamin C based on the US Dietary Reference Intake
    • Excess amounts of 1000mg/day or more may produce more oxalate in the body

Tags:   #dr arjun singh shekhawat,  #urologist in jaipur,  #kidney stone diet,  #kidney stone treatment

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