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Best Urethroplasty treatment

The urethra is a type of bladder that allows urine to travel from the outside world into the bladder where it is stored. Urethral strictures are a type of urethral tract enlargement. Urethral strictures can restrict urine flow in the urethra in a mild or severe way. Urethroplasty is the medical word for a procedure in which a few doctors expand the limited sections of the urethra. The benefit of this technique is that the rate of stricture recurrence is significantly reduced. We provide comprehensive care. For more details please contact us! 01416769329.

Tags:   # Best Urethroplasty treatment in Jaipur,  #Best Urethroplasty treatment in Jhotwara,  #Best Urethroplasty treatment in Gokulpura,  #Best Urethroplasty treatment in Malviya nagar jaipur

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